Thursday, December 26, 2019

What is successful abortion? What to expect?

Medical abortion is a popular method of terminating an unwanted pregnancy. However, not many women know the correct way of ending an unwanted pregnancy using safe abortion pills.

After you buy abortion pills online, learn how to consume them correctly. Mifepristone and Misoprostol, the two medicines are taken consecutively with a gap of 24 hours.

The medicines make hormonal changes in the uterus and bring about successful pregnancy termination. The following are some of the indicators of abortion success.

The signs of a successful medical abortion: 


When to expect: 

Among the two abortion pills, the Misoprostol pills bring cramps. Hence, you observe painful cramps in the abdominal area 2-3 hours after its consumption.

Some women may observe it right after the consumption of Mifepristone. Though the cramps are expected after Misoprostol intake, such cramps are not a harmful sign. In such instances, the woman is expected to continue the consumption process.

Why it occurs:

Prostaglandin is an element found in Misoprostol medicine. These elements make the uterine lining contract. Due to these contractions, the uterus area observes pressure, thereby experiencing painful cramps.


When to expect:

A woman undergoing the medical termination of pregnancy of up to 9 weeks should expect the bleeding within 24-48 hours. Since it is an important sign of medical abortion, any woman who does not observe the passing within the determined period.

Some women may also observe bleeding after taking Mifepristone. As said before, bleeding before taking Misoprostol is not a bad sign. You only have to complete the procedure by consuming Misoprostol the very next day.

Why it occurs:

Bleeding is a sign that both abortion pills are working well. Again, this happens due to the prostaglandin components.

Some women bleed for 2 days while others can go for about 6-8 days. It is mostly connected with the gestation of pregnancy and how the body is reacting to your abortion pills.

Though the aforementioned two signs are considered to be the main symptoms of pregnancy termination, no woman should depend on the signs alone.

To know if the abortion pills worked and ended the pregnancy, you can consult a healthcare provider. Some women prefer taking a home pregnancy test which is also one of the confirmation options.

When to conduct a pregnancy test? 

Many women think that once the bleeding stops, the abortion procedure is ended and they can check the pregnancy immediately. It is utterly wrong practice. Checking your abortion status right after the bleeding stops can give you false results.

Hence, women are requested to take the test 10-12 days after abortion pill consumption. It allows your body to remove the pregnancy tissues completely.

If the pregnancy termination status shows incomplete, consult your doctor. If he allows you to take another dose of misoprostol, consume it at the earliest. With this, you can repeat the same procedure for understanding medical abortion status. Incomplete medical abortion is a rare case. If you have followed all instructions properly, the pregnancy is usually ended successfully.

What to avoid and what to eat after abortion and miscarriage?

When you abort an unwanted pregnancy, it is never limited to taking abortion pills and surgeries. A successful pregnancy termination undoubtedly expects the woman to take abortion medications properly as instructed. However, the diet is equally important in making the abortion process successful. 

This blog helps you understand what you should be eating during pregnancy termination. 

The following are the foods that you should eat during the process of abortion. 

Since the medical termination of pregnancy involves bleeding and cramping after taking the Misoprostol pill, be it surgical or medical termination, the process can make the woman feel dizzy and fatigue. 

Foods with iron: 

When you undergo the pregnancy termination, especially medical abortion, heavy bleeding is one of the parts of the process. It can reduce the level of iron in the body. As a result, the woman encounters anemia or other such issues due to abortion. It leads to weakness and tiredness even after the procedure ends. Hence, it is advised that you increase the intake of iron-rich foods and products. 

For this, the best possible mean for getting iron-rich is through foods with heme-iron. Since this type of iron does not take much time to absorb in the body, you can provide adequate iron in lesser time. The sources for the same can be meat, green leafy veggies, beans, pumpkin seeds, brown rice, dark chocolate, etc. especially red meat. However, you must ensure that you cook it well. 

You can also include vitamin C to your foods, apart from iron-rich foods. You can obtain it from grapefruits, strawberries, or papaya. 

Calcium-rich foods: 
During the medical pregnancy termination procedure, the level of calcium falls. Hence, healthcare providers will often suggest you consume foods with high calcium levels. 
Some of 

·        Dark green leafy veggies 
·        Soya 
·        Sea-food 
·        Milk 
·        Dry fruits 

Magnesium foods: 

Magnesium resources can make you feel good. When you undergo the pregnancy termination procedure, it is often emotionally challenging. Of course, the case can be different with every woman. However, abortion has always been an emotionally dicey situation. With the help you certain magnesium foods such as beans, nuts, chocolates, you can feel better and energetic. 

Fruits and veggies: 
Since some of the side effects of abortion pills include diarrhea and stomach problems, eating light and healthy is always recommended. It gives you an adequate amount of nutrients that the body requires. 

What to avoid eating during pregnancy termination:
Yes, there are foods that bring about a healthy diet for pregnancy termination. However, there are also some foods in which you can create hurdles in the completion of abortion. It can include the following: 

Starch food with low-fiber: 
Carbs provide the needed requirements and fuel the body; it also manages the level of sugar. However, carbs obtained from refined grains or low-fiber starches typically hurt health. Firstly, the body observes fluctuations in its level of sugar. It can create hurdles in the process of 

·        Polished rice ( You can replace it with brown rice) 
·        Egg yolk part 
·        Pretzels 
·        Noodle

Eating sweets or foods that have sugar should be avoided. Primarily, you should say no to foods with a high glycemic index that directly impacts the sugar level of blood. 

·        Candies 
·        Carbonated drinks 

Red meat and dairy products:
Inflammation is a common problem after miscarriage or abortion. To avoid such health problems, eating white meat or dairy products that have fats should be avoided. 

·        Whole milk  
·        Butter 
·        Cheese 
·        Beef  
·        Pork  

Junk Food: 

When you are undergoing the medical abortion procedure, the stress can make you eat more. Junk food is typical in this case. That being said, junk food is a big obstacle in the process of pregnancy termination.

The physical and mental fitness both are equally essential to successfully counter the changes women body has to undergo during pregnancy termination. Women must take care of their diet and fitness both simultaneously to have the best possible effects during an abortion. 

Thursday, April 18, 2019

How Does Cytolog Abortion Pill Work?

While the abortion pill is known to end the pregnancy, most people tend to think that the abortion pill is just one tablet that ends your pregnancy at home. Truth be told, the medication of abortion is a combination of two abortion pills wherein Cytolog plays an important role. The pill is consumed along with Mifeprex. 

What does Cytolog consist of? 

Prostaglandin hormone is the element that Cytolog abortion pill holds. These components are used for creating contractions in the lining of the uterus. You can take 4 pills of Cytolog which should be of 800 mcg in total. 

What should you expect after taking Cytolog pill? 

Cytolog abortion tablets give you 2 primary changes: 

You will feel pain in the stomach: 

The contractions in the uterine lining can make you feel pain in the stomach.  This typically can be there for around 3-4 hours. 

You will start bleeding: 

Post consumption of Cytolog abortion pill, you begin bleeding within 24 hours. This is an expected change that every woman who is undergoing a medical abortion procedure must go through. This can go about for a week. For bleeding, kindly do not use tampons but maxi pads should be preferred. 

You may also expect vomiting, nauseous feeling, headache, mild fever or diarrhea. Be prepared for such side effects. Since these side effects are temporary, you do not have to worry about them. However, seek help if you encounter these side effects longer than necessary. 

Can Cytolog alone end your pregnancy?

Cytolog does end your pregnancy alone. For cytolog to remove pregnancy contents from the body, the fetus has to be detached, without which, you cannot remove pregnancy contents. Hence, pregnant women who wish to end the pregnancy using Cytolog abortion pill should make sure that they take Mifeprex pill also.

Cytolog is an effective abortion pill. Learn how to administer it from your healthcare provider and follow his/her instructions. With this, you can successfully end your pregnancy at home. If you followed everything as instructed, you can shorten the healing time of the medical abortion soon resume to your sex-life or even gym-life. 

Friday, March 29, 2019

Some Important Point for Medical Abortion

This world now became internet world, we easily get any information and our daily life totally depends on internet. Everybody loves to do shopping online it helps to save your time and you can find anything which you want. At that time we have an option to buy abortion pills online, birth control pills, menstruation cups and many products are available.  At medical store all medical products are available but some time we hesitate to buy. Online medical pharmacy is one of the best solutions to buy medical products online. 

When you buy abortion pills online to remember these points as given below:

Medical abortion is easy solution to terminate unwanted pregnancy. Many of women chose this method. MTP Kit is one of the best abortions to help for unwanted pregnancy but this tablet work only up to 9 week pregnancy. The drugs used are verified to be safe and effective. A lot of women buy abortion pills worldwide. The best part for medical abortion we can do our daily routine work for next day but must bring pads for bleeding. 

There is two way to take abortion tablet one is orally and second is through of vagina you chose your option according to your comfort. Tablet makes the attachment of the fetus to the womb loose. Taking this medicine might be result is cramp and bleeding. If not, the second medicine is taken impulse the fetus. This process is normal and similar to monthly periods and after taking pills might be chances your periods continue to 2 week but don’t worry it is a normal process to medical abortion. After completing medical abortion process your next expected period is coming normal.
Precaution Medical Abortion


Avoid menstruation cups 
No Smoking
No Drinking 
Avoid swimming 

Medical Abortion Side Effects

Side Effects:


Who will have or had a medical abortion can still conceive in the future.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Are You Facing Unwanted Pregnancy Problem?

Nowadays many women’s are facing unwanted pregnancy problem. There are many regions like they are not planning, or they are not ready for it and etc. An abortion became a very easy process nowadays. There are two processes for abortion one is medical second is surgical.

Medical abortion is easy process and surgical abortion is painful or very costly too.
Many abortion pills are available in the market. Remember these pills terminate unwanted pregnancy up to 8 weeks. Before buying pill make sure all the products FDA approved.

One of the online pharmacy website suggests MTP kit is very useful and it works fast. MTP kit full form is “Medical Termination Pack”. Basically this pill refers for early pregnancy termination without any surgical investment. 

Before taking pills make sure you are pregnant. Do pregnancy test first and also check your period delay date and what the time duration between the last periods. If test is positive so you can take MTP pills.

Medical Termination Process:  MTP kit combination of two pills one is mifeprstone and second is miscoprostol. Firstly you take the pill its help to disconnect the fetus from the uterus. After 24 take another pill its helps to dilate the cervix and make uterus contract so pregnancy part can be expelled from the body.

Precautions:  If you are taking any abortion pills so don’t consume alcohol and avoid smoking. While on kit avoid tampons and use pads. Avoid sexual intercourse and anal sex.

Side-effect:  Heavy bleeding, body pain, fever, weakness and symptoms.