While the abortion pill is known to end the pregnancy, most people tend to think that the abortion pill is just one tablet that ends your pregnancy at home. Truth be told, the medication of abortion is a combination of two abortion pills wherein Cytolog plays an important role. The pill is consumed along with Mifeprex.
What does Cytolog consist of?
Prostaglandin hormone is the element that Cytolog abortion pill holds. These components are used for creating contractions in the lining of the uterus. You can take 4 pills of Cytolog which should be of 800 mcg in total.
What should you expect after taking Cytolog pill?
Cytolog abortion tablets give you 2 primary changes:
You will feel pain in the stomach:
The contractions in the uterine lining can make you feel pain in the stomach. This typically can be there for around 3-4 hours.
You will start bleeding:
Post consumption of Cytolog abortion pill, you begin bleeding within 24 hours. This is an expected change that every woman who is undergoing a medical abortion procedure must go through. This can go about for a week. For bleeding, kindly do not use tampons but maxi pads should be preferred.
You may also expect vomiting, nauseous feeling, headache, mild fever or diarrhea. Be prepared for such side effects. Since these side effects are temporary, you do not have to worry about them. However, seek help if you encounter these side effects longer than necessary.
Can Cytolog alone end your pregnancy?
Cytolog does end your pregnancy alone. For cytolog to remove pregnancy contents from the body, the fetus has to be detached, without which, you cannot remove pregnancy contents. Hence, pregnant women who wish to end the pregnancy using Cytolog abortion pill should make sure that they take Mifeprex pill also.
Cytolog is an effective abortion pill. Learn how to administer it from your healthcare provider and follow his/her instructions. With this, you can successfully end your pregnancy at home. If you followed everything as instructed, you can shorten the healing time of the medical abortion soon resume to your sex-life or even gym-life.